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Christina A.

Why take the calories of someone else’s cake?

When someone comes to you with a problem, do you feel for them or with them? Do you take on their stress? Do you find that it starts to mess with your own health, mental, physical or spiritual? Does any of this make their situation better? It can be so easy to feel for the people around us. Even to the point that we take on their stress. We see their pain as our own, to the point that we make ourselves sick with worry. But taking on their stress, doesn’t help them. So, what are some ways to support and love someone, without taking on their issues as your own? Try practicing non-attachment. This doesn’t mean that you don’t care. It just means that you are not invested in the outcome to the point that you are affected by it. Lend a listening ear. Be a sounding board. Help them talk out their issues, without taking control of the situation, or taking responsibility for the outcome. Say a prayer with or for them, or send them good vibes or love and light. Provide physical touch. Obviously, we are all worried about COVID 19, but touch is such a powerful comfort tool. Use your best judgement in this time of crisis. Do something to take their mind off of things. This won’t solve their problem, but it might give them the mental space to be able to see the situation more clearly. Encourage your friend/family member to seek professional help. The professional will be determined by the situation, and referrals are usually appreciated when available. These are just a few ideas on how to help our loved ones, without taking on their stress as our own. We want to take care of those around us, but we have to protect our own energy. Why would you want to take on the calories of someone else’s cake?

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